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About Assets and Highways
This webmap presents adopted highways (streets adopted by the council for maintenance at public expense), council assets (buildings and land owned by the council) and public rights of way routes (public routes over private land) in Oldham. Further information regarding public rights of way routes can be found using the link below.
How To Use
Address Search: Search for an address within Oldham and display its location on the webmap.
Zoom To Coordinates: Display known coordinates in easting/northing or latitude/longitude on the webmap.
Capture: Creates a downloadable image of the current webmap view.
Map List: Return to the list of Oldham Council's webmaps.
- Detailed information about each layer can be accessed by clicking on the information icons in front of the respective layers.
- Detailed information about each layer can be accessed by clicking on the information icons in front of the respective layers.
- To pan around the map, hold the mouse and drag.
- Zoom in or out by scrolling with your mouse or using the '+'/'-' buttons located at the bottom right-hand side of the screen.
- Drawing and measuring tools are available by clicking on the pencil icon located at the bottom right-hand side of the screen.
- The 'Home' button takes you to Oldham centre.
- The 'My Location' button will take you to your current location on the map.
- To change the basemap style, click on the map icon at the top right-hand side of the map and choose between 'Light', 'Outdoor', and 'Road' OS basemap styles.
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© Crown copyright (and database rights) 2025 OS license 0100019668
Email: IT.SupportDesk@oldham.gov.uk